Hey it’s a Rick from codewithintent.com coming at you once again with another video and this one is gonna be pretty long and before I jump into a year I just want to.
Give you a little bit about what I’m gonna be discussing here I’m gonna be introducing you to the source code the project the overall vision and actually start digging into some of the tech for Jayce academy.com if you’re not bent.
Over to J’s Academy it is a screencasting site that I run and the whole idea for it is to be able to do a computer science degree without that tuition that’s the idea that’s the whole concept that’s what we’re going here for um and that’s what I’m gonna be discussing he will do today I’m actually gonna be taking behind the doors and actually show you the source code I’m actually look at some of the things that we’re gonna be.
Making and actually you know start making some changes so that’s what this entire video is going to be about so if you’re interested in that kind of thing I’m gonna be releasing a bunch of more videos on this specific topic specifically at jasiek Adam II throw those I want to see you know what a large-scale software project looks like and you know what that actually entails so very interested in that type of thing you know stick through.
The video I go you know this is gonna be a hundred percent free is gonna be posted on YouTube you know share it with your friends but the rest of the videos they’re gonna be released already chase Academy releasing the promo videos here on YouTube so if you’re interested in that kind of thing you want to see how to build a software as a service platform if you want to actually see how to run actual screens guessing site and be able to see how to manage a large amounts of assets like video encoding video transcoding video.
All that fun stuff this what this is going to be about make sure you stick through the entire video let’s get in to it [Music] all right here I am over here on the terminal and what I’m gonna do here is I’m actually just gonna go ahead and start up a VM machine that I have here and this machine I have set up here you know goes ahead and you know has a whole entire content I’m gonna be discussing with you here today but the VM machine does take some sweet time to start up and right.
Now it is actually starting up and I’m actually gonna mount to share that’s a share we’re gonna be accessing with Visual Studio code and if we come back over here you’ll see here’s my Visual Studio code right now I’m just waiting for that share to mount up and we’ll be accessing the files there so let’s go ahead and check here and.
See if this is actually gonna go ahead and load up so yeah this is gonna go ahead and prompt me for my password getting a little bit once it actually goes ahead and tells me that uh you know the VM is up and run it but anyways we’re gonna there we go there is this little prompt here for the VM and by the way if you’re wondering how this is set up I.
Have a entire video where I talk about you know using bash and be able to use bash scripts and mounted shares and all that fun stuff so you not do it any of it through the GUI just a couple commands off away you go very interested in that type of thing you know check will reduce academy are gonna show you how to use a bash shell and you don’t automation tasks and all that fun stuff so.
Here I am I’m just gonna go over to Jacek Adam II and then here’s the entire source code for this now before I run this I actually want to go ahead and give you a rundown of the entire source code so I’m gonna go into Visual Studio code and here open this up so give me a sec here while I opened up its entire folder and then let’s come back into here tada here we are the entire source.
Code for JC ketamine now before we actually start jumping in here and I just started looking at everything that’s actually inside here I want to go ahead and tell you that you’ll be able to access this entire source code be able to access an entire thing be able to download it and play around with it and actually see what entire application built with the means that looks like you know from.
All the way from the abstract all the way down to the actual implementation and you know the code that actually gets executed so a couple background things here the entire thing is built with MongoDB angular and node and we’re using gulp as our build processes to run and execute all of our code the tests are executed with mocha and most of.
The commands that I’m gonna be showing you here are either commands that I’ve ever used or commands that are used with npm within node so that’s what the entire thing is gonna be based off of here so if you have now ever looked at a project you know there’s utilizing all those tools and we’re gonna be I’m actually gonna be showing you the entire thing here and if there’s a different a.
Lot of things right now I’m gonna be forking off this project into another repository does that it isn’t gonna include some of the private keys that I have in here so I’m just gonna I’m just gonna go ahead and pull out those private keys and then release this under a different repository which is going to be available for you to download so you can actually follow along and actually clone this over and actually look at.
The source code and actually see what what’s everything in there so the one thing is that this thing is an angular 1 at built-ins in 2015 and the entire thing is built with es5 so this is old-school JavaScript right we don’t have anything to the latest and greatest stuff it is kind of old now and you know there’s definitely gonna be a.
Lot of changes that I have to account for when I originally built this thing I was very fascinated with a single page application so the entire thing is a single page application uh it’s actually there’s a lot of weird little things like in my puzzle but I’m actually gonna be my bringing this off to ya 60s 70s 8 and then I’m gonna be migrating all the content over to flat files to be.
Able to get some of that SEO juice and hopefully be writing some automation bots for Twitter or some automation bots for off Facebook and integrating some of the social components for social sharing content and then I’m really getting content to different sites and be able to drive traffic to Jake’s Academy but that’s like down the road right now I just want to go ahead and give you a quick rundown of the actual source code everything that I have here so far so you can kind of get an idea where I’m at right now and kind of.
The things that I’m gonna be working on in order to for us to be able to make that a reality because we do have to get off get off angular 1 and you know go on to.
India 5 and no you know how does that look like I did migrate from gulp over to web pack that’s what we’re gonna be doing so lots of fun stuff a lot of.
Little weird intricate things that we could have to work on but yeah let me go ahead and show you here what I have so far so I have our lots of stuff ok so here’s core and then we have custom and then there is I’m not sure if you can yeah you can see that it’s a little bit small but hopefully you know let me see if I can make this a little bit bigger okay hopefully you can.
See that there is this Clyde tool and then this Clyde tool is the one that I built and this Clyde command tool there’s a bunch of different stuff so there is we have core and we have custom and then we have system and the under system we have all of our pretty much system-level things that happen and then users all over users level things that happen and then custom is a Clyde command tool that uses some of.
The things for us to be able to do with the command line tool because I can build a command line tool which is up here which is called climb and clouds to be.
Able to do cool things like what’s going to here and let’s go into our task well let me there we go and then we have a bunch of different things we can do here so we can do like here’s our task menu we could process a task we can ask a question we can you know come back from a question all that fun stuff and let’s see here we go so here’s all things we can do so we.
Can authenticate we can display the main menu we can get the submenu we can get a task that we want to accomplish and then and you know we go ahead and process that task so here’s all the tasks that are available to us so we can you know go ahead and ask you know depending on tasks we want to execute there’s you know you’ll be able to do different tasks so let me show you what that looks like on.
The command line because I think that will make a lot more sense than looking at the code so let’s go back to the terminal and then if we do node fly and then we do you see here it says what would.
You like to do so there is two different things you can do so you can see the UI or Jake’s Academy CWI is my blog and you know we’re not really mucking around with that one specifically with Jace Academy then it’s gonna ask us for a password again right now I am bypassing the password section with a private key that goes off and execute that so there you go so I didn’t have to even – a password again.
Just I have a private key that’s the one that’s actually doing the off back and forth with the with the production server and you see here we can go ahead and actually you know see bunch of different things so we can actually see lesson series plans stats books users and promotions so I can go into stats and it we say.
Get stats and it’s gonna go ahead and get the stats um they’re currently in place so you can see here we got our sets back you know we have 13 hours of content and then there are 213 lessons with three series so you see L for less time you have a countdown here tops is back to the main menu then we.
Can do other things like you know look at our user so I’m not gonna look at users because obviously I don’t want to be sharing any emails with you guys and then promotions we’re gonna run any promotions books see books we can go into lists books you can see here the books that are currently available there and then you know just the names that are available in them yeah so those are the books and then go back to juice Academy and to here is a lessons series plans and then you know the idea was to be.
Able to go into here and then you can list a series here which you can see here’s all the series so see here here’s ID for use a title here’s the prereqs and then here’s all the lessons so those are all just keys that we can actually go and reference back to a different table so go back into here and we.
Look lessons fewer lessons again cuz I meant to show you all the lessons you know if it’s and if it’s premium snot premium if it’s you know the title when it was actually published.
You didn’t see all that information there so get great administration stuff and the whole idea was to be able to you know release some of this content be able to show other individuals.
You know essentially how to navigate this and originally didn’t write this in a web application because it took me less time to ready command-line interface to be able to do these tasks instead of you know going down and building a whole entire admin panel and you know doing all this functionality and say there which I’m pretty sure down the road I am and can end up doing that but right now we have this command-line tool we’re gonna be hopefully a migrating this up to a admin panel for us to be able to bring on more authors and.
Authors would have access to these remote tools you know for example if we have you know a hundred different instructors each of the instructors will be able to manage their lessons if she reads their content and then be able to do all those things without necessarily having anybody involved in their specific series in the specific work they’re doing remember the goal is to be able to do an entire computer science curriculum online without the tuition so we definitely.
Need a lot of people with definitely a lot of people communicating back to the board and you know having different stages of content whether it be published pending approval that whole entire thing so right now I am gonna figure out how to do.
That but for the meantime we have this thing which is yeah it is what it is so good right sex editor and yeah so here is pretty much how this is working and it’s actually pretty cool because we have the ability to do the whole entire thing is pretty recursive so let’s go back over here into app you see this.
Entire process right here it goes and reverses on itself and that’s pretty cool so I don’t really have to write a lot of code let’s go back over here yeah all the.
Questions themselves are recursive so the ability to be able to keep this program running in you know keep looping on itself it’s all pretty much just handled for you not to really think.
About it but this is gonna be going away so again that’s the only tool that I have there and then in order for us to be able to do this process back and.
Forth with the server this is why I have this custom clay and then in here you’ll be able to see the routes and then you know here’s the authentication route the lessons route there’s a serious route and then here’s a planter out and then books stats you know promo codes so here’s all those actions they actually happen with the with the Clyde tool that actually goes i hits all these endpoints so all of these endpoints are you.
Know they’re being used so more than likely the source code isn’t gonna change you can see here I’m just referring to API client and then lessons and in series so all of this is still gonna be yeah for example like here’s controller list series so if we go inside here you’ll see here are all the series where we have a created.
One and we pull in the title lessons and the prerequisites for that specific series and you know depending on if this finds anything is gonna go and report back so that’s still going to be you know available for the web and portable that we’re going to be building but at the same time you know we might have to refactor some of.
The names to make sure that we don’t want to referring to the Clyde tool because we’re not going to be using that anymore so you know that gives you an idea there so routes here are all the models we’ll come back to that and then Clyde customs and then finally core here’s the actual core and then you can actually go through here and see all of the things that are actually you know part of this and there’s definitely a.
A lot of stuff so let me see where do you even begin where to begin so I think there is there’s definitely like a lot of little intricate things everything from user credentials to.
User authentication to user validation to user acceptance to billing to account creation to management to display to views to all these things right so I think right now I did a video a.
Couple days ago where we were talking about um I was running into some issues with node and actually you know building up this entire process and you know getting this to run so here’s the entire code base there’s a lot of things to look through here not only go through it all today and you know look at every single little thing I think I’m gonna be releasing a lot more videos about this specifically and talk about you know.
How to do off word you know how storing sessions transferring sessions from mobile device over to a server storing data with html5 tokenizing things using passport you know if you’re gonna use some sort of LDAP authentication and you know validating emails email correct the right the right password in matching passwords matching fields creating models looking back at the model data like there’s a bunch of different things right now one of the things that I.
Have kind of ongoing is figuring out a way for me to be able to migrate this entire code base over to ya 6/7 to be able to take care of some of these deeper problems which are like kind of like the SEO thing that I mentioned to you a little bit earlier and the SEO part is something that’s very important because I need to be able to have some pretty good SEO and the only way to be able to do.
Some of the SEO is to get rid of a lot of a single page stuff that was currently in place so let me see if I can do this real quick let’s duplicate this see Phil let me window capture and then let’s open up Safari and then we’re gonna go over to Jason carry me well this is a good this is a good one let’s do J yes catid me yeah I can show you this so let’s go I.
Make this a little bigger so we’re gonna actually see this sorry you guys are looking at the terminal right now which is not very helpful and then we’re gonna go into Safari there we go then let me resize this so we can actually see what I’m looking at come on hmm that’s interesting that I’m signed in I don’t want to be signed in sign out there we go cool I don’t want to share any of my work stuff so.
Here’s the fari I you know if you go to google and type in G skadam e this is kind of what you’re gonna get yeah here’s the there’s a lot of different things like we have over we have our github account which is some of the content that I’ve been releasing there’s repositories here and there’s a bunch of different things that I did here specifically with the course that I teach on the mean stack and a lot of the source codes already released over there so you can if you’re interested in that you can actually go in.
There and close all the stuff there is a theme that we did this is this is fun uh-huh we did a theme for brackets so we have an official theme you can actually go ahead and grab I might I might switch this over to Visual Studio code so grab some of those colors and bring them over to they just did it code I’ll be kind of fun let’s see there is.
Our Twitter you see in a Twitter what is this brackets oh that’s it the brackets extension yeah our GitHub right here so some cool stuff I mean there’s definitely a lot of things going on Google and specifically so yeah four pages right now and set four pages yeah this is so funny all right I see that’s cool okay so this video come back over here this video I want to record.
This on so you can actually see right now Jace Academy is at four pages of SEO right four pages that’s it that’s Jace Academy right now itself it is four pages of content you know no one’s talking about it no major press releases like very people or very few people are discussing about it but I want to show you this specifically.
Because you know anytime you start off a project or you’re creating some sort of something new right something that the world has never seen anybody else is talking about it right there’s no discussions about it there are no bad things there are no good things it’s neither here nor there and that’s what I want to show you so right now there are four pages of.
SEO and once we actually go ahead and go through the process of a migraine this entire thing over to es6 and using webpack and typescript and be able to do flat files and you know hit some of those SEO juices and then be able to write some of these BOTS that I’ve been talking to you about and really dig into that you’re gonna see this exponentially grew up not necessarily just because I’ll be publishing more content out there but essentially you know the wider web’s can be getting a lot noisier because I’m gonna be attracting a.
Lot more people to the project and that’s kind of the idea right can you attract more people and then can you allow yourself to be able to use programs to help you achieve those goals so I’m gonna be showing you exactly I do that but I want to record this video just so have this written down and you know this is actually recorded video for man you can actually see that there are only four pages on Google and you.
Know come looking back at it you’ll be able to see like oh wow there was only four at one point so let’s come back over here into this one rename this so far alright.
Cool come back over here go back to the first page and then what I’m gonna do here is I’m gonna click into here and hopefully the service is too hot down there we go so as.
You can see here there’s definitely a long time for it to be able to pull in all the stuff that’s going to be pulling in and right now it should load should it is it gonna fell it was gonna fall on its face okay it’s falling on its face no idea why it’s falling on its face Jase Academy yeah it’s.
Having a hard time pulling in stuff lessons those are working series but they’re working on the homepage I’ll page messing up reload a page, yeah there seems to be something wrong with that homepage.
Let’s pull up a different browser see it’s a brotherly thing yeah it looks like home oh no homepage is working fine on Chrome Safari it’s not liking it why don’t you like this a flowery why aren’t you liking it anyways we can still look around here for different parts we don’t necessarily have to be the homepage reliance and networking let’s go back to another tab, yeah one of the things I don’t like about so far is that so there is actually some there’s actually some benchmarks are you seen them online there are some benchmarks of.
All the different browsers and you know all that fun stuff oh you know trying to compare this versus that and watch browser and Safari actually performs pretty dang good like if you compare it to Chrome you know chrome is pretty fast but Safari I think out beats in some of the benchmarks which is pretty cool the only thing I don’t like is I don’t like the developer tools they’re horrible right I’m trying to look for.
Though for the developer thing then I came and freaking find it I got to Google how to do it because I don’t know it’s a show full website address something that matters extensions websites privacy security search, hmm there we go.
Download it now let’s go back over here to this one downloaded there we go now we’re working Apple right so it’s working now and you see here right now there is a cup there’s a.
Lot of things that are wrong um so let’s get a series so here’s my three series I’ve created so far I’m super valuable not really good with naming names and when I originally named these yeah I’m not gonna get into the hip section but I got that I got a new name so modern development environments is the first one no J is basic that’s just that’s fine and their programming fundamentals.
Almost modern code the horrid sights of computer programming so I got I got their names right I just need to go into database and you know rename these things to the right values and that’s kind of where the responsibilities for the admin panel you build to rename your series whatever you want I’ll go in there and update some of the.
Like the descriptions and you know all that fun stuff so yeah that’s something you know on the to-do list to be able to go in there and use some of those things because right now at the goal and drop into the Mongo shell and you know do this manually right now but yeah something to look into yeah this is this is it.
This is kind of what jack at me is all about there’s as you can see here as we’re going through here everything is building a single page application with angular 1 and if you go into here you can do.
Like you know intermediate they’d be able to see all the intermediate stuff you know you can go back into you know beginner see all the beginner stuff or you can go into you know we move difficulty and then you know.
Goes and it removes it so for example if you wanted to learn about what’s a good thing well I was talking about Bosch so you can go into Bosch you see here oh look there are three videos that have bashed somewhere in them and you know this is kind of creating that search so here’s installing – like – or she’ll nothing.
Maybe we can do something like this see if I have anything on brackets in the brackets I’ll look there’s some stuff on brackets right maybe you just want to know about text editors no there’s more stuff for text editors right in the tree here be like oh just definitely a lot of things about text editors so that’s kind of like the search functionality there again there’s bunch a little different than you think when it to that search thing and.
Yeah so there is there is the whole onboarding process for you to be able to sign up for Jason calving be able to access some stuff so let me show you how that.
Looks like so if we go into series and then you didn’t no js’ it’s me talking had a much longer hair back then but oh this one I give away 100% free for anybody um you know sign up for its 100% but you can go through it and you know if you like it you like it don’t like it don’t like it doesn’t really matter like it’s just one that I get away from free just.
Because people are interested in owed 100% free you know go through it see if you like it and I have other ones like monitor developments and then program fundamentals which are a little bit longer and those go more into the you know into the nitty-gritty of the beast actually get in there and I start mucking around with the actual things right and the whole idea was to be able to you.
Know be able to manage some of this content be able to promote it be able to encourage others to learn more about these things and you know the whole idea was to be able to do this and I got to the point where I had majority of it done but then you know other projects kick in and you know people don’t really see the value of what you’re doing and it’s a little bit difficult to pursue something and.
Keep going with it when you know people are not really valuing your work and this is something that I’ve talked about multiple times where people the reason why you’re gonna tell the programmer it’s not gonna be because there’s not enough.
Resources other signup books so there’s enough mentors it’s because simply people don’t value your work right so this is kind of like you know I put it like a bunch of effort into.
Jace Academy and then people turn around right yeah like Rick is really worth $20 a month and you know it’s like what do you mean is it worth joy, of course, it’s worth Y dollars of module being saying that sign up for $20 a month right and you know it kind of comes back to making sure that the person on the other side sees value enough for it to be like.
Yes it is worth $20 a month and I you know I got to that point where I opened up the doors on my alright guys here is your chance sign up you know Jace Academy is open go ahead and sign up and then I got that whole entire arm push back where people were saying 20 hours a month Rick don’t you.
Know I live in a country where $20 a month is what I make in a month right so the whole idea was to be able to bring the price down to for anybody to be able to be like yeah 20 month $20 a month yes I’ll do $20 a month no big deal right and if you’re in a third world country like $20 a month is nothing guys that’s like the.
Lunch buy me lunch once a month then I’ll teach you everything you know need to know and if so I ran into that into that brick right into that brick wall where I was trying to get people to be like a twenty bucks a month like what’s up like I can go ahead teach you to code for literally twenty dollars how.
Awesome is that and you know people I got that pushback so I got stuck at that point where I wanted to show people that this was way more than valuable for their twenty.
Dollars and that took me down an entirely different road path that I’ve been on for like the past 14 months now oh how do you how do you convey a value to somebody.
Else you know where does value come from how are you gonna present value what does value actually mean at the end of the day and you know it’s not an easy quote it’s not an easy answer to give right because you had to make this transition from a consumer to a producer and it’s not something that just happened just don’t.
Wake up one day and you’re like yeah $20 good right so that’s the whole idea that’s kind of where I’m at right now I build this entire thing you know I’ve published way more than enough value for $20 a month and right now I’m trying to figure out you know what that except is going to be and the next step honestly is.
Going to be to reach 4,000 members and bringing on more instructors and bring on more resources and really make this thing grow to the point of really giving the result of the person that’s going to be sending up and really delivering on what we’re promising which is computer science education without the tuition that’s the promise right that’s the hook and.
That’s a big promise right this is it this is like that’s a that’s a hundred fifty thousand dollar promise that I that I’m giving out for twenty dollars a month and it’s a.
The big goal it’s something to aim for and it’s I can definitely see it being attainable I can definitely see it how do I actually make that a reality and this is kind of the reason why I’m recording this video it’s.
Kind of the reasons why I keep blogging kind of one of the reasons why I keep you know pushing so hard to make this a reality and bring that into existence and you know in order for me to be able to.
Bring that into an existence I need to be able to find the resources of kind of where I’m at kind of start where I’m at right now where I reach out to people that I know right now and really encourage others to see kind of where I’m headed and encourage others to join me on this journey and you know it’s not easy right there’s we all have stuff going on and I think it’s a worth worthwhile journey to go.
Down so that’s why I’m here today that’s where when you’re talking about this if you’re still not convinced what sign up this Academy for the slash to join sign up create a free account look around to see if there’s anything of interest and.
Then you know learn more about it alright so is the source code the whole entire thing I think right now we’re like thirty-two minutes into this there’s definitely a lot of little things that I can talk about but it instead of like making these super long videos like this one think I’m gonna go ahead and break up into smaller things so like you know there here’s one task and then.
Fill out that task and then publish that video and then again another task and then publish that video and some of the tasks might take long but it will be you know clearly focus into that to that single tax so right now one of my tests is going to be about removing any of the private keys and then publishing this out for anybody to be able to download and you know essentially creating instructions for you to be able to execute jaesik add me on your own machine and yeah I think that’s what the next video is.
Going to be about and that’s not going to be easy because I have to actually compress the npm modules into a zip file because the italic right versions of gulp the red version of this represents of that need to make sure you have this setup make sure that setup make sure you can do a reverse lookup some proxies and Oh a.
Bunch of crazy stuff because this thing like it talks to a bunch of different other things right we have our list chase Academy comm we have books Jace Academy calm we have blog chase Academy calm we have w WX Kenny.
Calm there’s a content management system in the background there’s a bunch of different things right and I don’t want to get too much into it here in this video arm you know as we go.
Through this and we look at different parts of it we’ll see you know how different things are put together but yeah that’s kind of it I’m gonna ship for missing anything here I.
Can show you something got the hair go down into or is it recommended readings da-da-da-da-da-da-da here we go so these are kind of like the books I live and die for right so here’s the one that I wrote your skill completes our requirements object or in cell for engineering the mythical magnet thinking in Java UML design patterns and master to doom so I need to go in here and add more books cuz I love books if.
Anybody knows me in the real world I I’m an avid reader right I’m reading you know two or three books a week oh wait a month sorry I wish every day two or three a week usually do it doing two to three books a month and you know I love books I love learning I love learning about different subjects and you know books are one of the easiest ways to acquire a.
New skill without you know having to spend all this different time you know in a college class sometimes class might take you know six months to complete but you can read a book in.
Two or three months and you know this isn’t like an easy book right you can go through the work material you can you know focus more time on learning the skill and it.
Will take you a lot less time he actually know how to effectively learn instead of you know waiting for class to roll around and be able to go in there and I think that’s one of those what are the coolest things that our online education allows us to do right allows us to be able to go and actually learn it learn something completely new and really short amount of time and.
Become quite effective with it and actually you know use it to create or build something so you know it’s kind of funny that um you know whatever thing you want to learn right quantum physics MIT da org or comm wherever you can find it right you want to go ahead and learn something about whatever another topic you want to discuss entrepreneurship marketing cells all of that all those lessons are online more than likely for free if not it’ll.
Cost like super cheap a couple hundred bucks and you can literally learn from world experts that do this thing day in day out so that’s kind of like the idea for Jacek Adam used to bring you guys some of the experts in the field and you know show you the entire computer science curriculum with one language javascript’ I mean I.
Think I think hard bird was the original one I think is one of the first colleges that are pushing for a computer science curriculum with JavaScript but I think aside from that there’s no other university or college that I know that’s you know moving that ball forward without such a domino in which like JavaScript now don’t get me wrong things like.
Java C++ C sharp all that still taught there and you know at the end of the day the job the language is relevant we’re teaching the content correctly long which doesn’t really matter but then today we’re still humans we’re still looking for a shortcut we’re still looking for the easy way out and we still don’t want to you know things like do X.
You know introduce things like static binding in you know all those things are huge barriers people are coming in if you can just simply do you know let bar whatever to a single variable instead of having this entire chunk with Java and yeah so that’s kind of it that’s gonna go and cut it for this video we looked at the source code looked at Jacek Adam II we poked around in some of the in the command-line tools and I think the next step for me to go in here is to get the repository up and get.
The repository available and start a new series on Jace Academy publish that video there and that’s kind of what we’re gonna be moving forward so over the content all that stuff is going to be released on Jacek Adam II they’re all gonna be private videos the problems are gonna go off to youtube so there will be like a two or three minute video on YouTube that’s gonna encourage people to sign up for Jacek Adam II where the whole.
Entire video for me actually doing the thing that’s gonna be displayed and though the outcome is going to be reaching four thousand members on taste Academy and yeah it’s kind of that’s the plan that’s the plan guys that’s the plan that’s what we’re executing on that’s what we’re making it happen and if you have a question for me you can go to code with intent account for slash question and I’ll get back to you talk to you next Time.
I always had a passion for the field of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) and I knew I wanted to do something to make a difference in the world. I just didn’t know where to start. I was an immigrant in a new country, grew up in a tough environment, and wasn’t sure how… Read More