You will learn how to create a USP for your next application inside this blog post and get the edge you need to compete with others selling a similar product or service. This will work for you if you are working on a Software As A Service (SaaS), Game, Mobile Applications, Online Courses or digital products.
- You are in business / entrepreneur
- You have a product or service
- There is competition in your market place
- You are looking to “Detach from the Pack”
- You want to charge above market prices
- Want to increase sales and market size
Why Be Different?
Customers Demands: Customers have more options than ever, Customers tastes are unique, Customers demand more for their money, People are willing to “shop” you around, People want results and don’t really care about you.
What Do Your Customers Want? They Want Problems Solved!
Are You Solving Them Or Just Competing on Solutions?

“Competition Is For Losers” – Peter Theil

Always aim to be unique! With your Product, Service, Marketing, Market Accepts Uniqueness (Market Size)
What is USP?
- Unique Selling Proposition
- Unique Buying Advantage
- Value Proposition
- Positioning
USP (Unique Selling Proposition)
“Single Promise You Offer To Your Customers. This is where
Example of USP

Need a ride? Get the Uber app
Example of USP
How to Create a USP? You need to ask yourself this question “Why Would Anyone Buy From Me?” By knowing how exactly your solution creates value in the market place.
Ask Your Customers
- What do you provide that’s unique?
- How do you help others?
- What’s special about your business?
- What do you do so great no one else does?
Understanding how you create value can help you find your USP for your next application.

Value Scales
- Company (1-10)
- Sales Person (1-10)
- Product (1-10)
Create a list that determines the unique value your solution provides to the Market.
- Once You Determined How Value is Created
- Start Drafting and Testing Your USP
- UPS can take iterations and multiple tries to get “right”
- Don’t stop on the first one keep going
- You will know you made it once you have a line of customers eager to buy your solution
Questions about USP?
- You need a USP for your company? Yes
- You need a USP for your products? Yes
- You need a USP for your service? Yes
- They can NOT be the same
- Your USP is not your mission or vision statement
What’s Next? You can reach out to Rick using this link or by writing in to him using the contact form on this page.
I always had a passion for the field of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) and I knew I wanted to do something to make a difference in the world. I just didn’t know where to start. I was an immigrant in a new country, grew up in a tough environment, and wasn’t sure how… Read More