“The secret you” film, was or is an interesting film to watch. From getting know or even understanding that their is an inner world inside your head that is special and unique to every individual to knowing how selfware of the the presence of the body with the mind is, to finding out where the soul goes after death, is it the same or different the then the mind? to finally know where and how decisions are made with in the mind.
Thinking about inner worlds is really interesting train of thought, because inner worlds can consists of many parts all interacting with each other. Inner worlds are great because they can take you away from the current moment, take your to a place where there is whatever you want there to be. Inner worlds, can be created by the creator or by bunch of other ideas being smushed together to create new scenes and ideas, but how exactly does it happen? No one really knows, but we do know that they exist and that we can trance into them willing or unwilling. For example watching a film may give you the ability of actually feeling as if you are a presence of watching what is happening as if you were present.
How awake are you really? this part of the film was interesting, because you don’t really know how awake or aware of your surroundings if you don’t bring attention to what is exactly going on, in the film they ask you take a second an analysis your surroundings, at that time i was in the library and felt a couple of session that i would not be of aware if i did not bring attention to them, for example my back pressure on my spinal cord to all the voices talking where there is noise being created but very little to no understanding is going on. The air that is being taken into how the paper is lying on the desk, once the attention comes in the details just pour in one after another.
How do you know that you are actually all their? being a person that likes to daydream and just like to let my mind wonder, makes me think is there different levels of consciousness? In the film they show the mathematician going under and being asked questions the more deeper that he goes into the different levels of consciousness and as he goes through his journey, he states that he is aware and not aware all at the same time. So yes in my opinion there is diffrent levels of actually being present.
Not being a religious man, makes me think about the soul and where this separation of mind and soul happen. One note that i can add to this, it might not be that it is the soul but the actuality of someones “vibe” is what i like to call it. For example when you talk to someone that you know they bring this “vibe” that you are aware of what they are bringing almost as if you can feel what they feel and when this “vibes” collide to create another kind of conscious. This is good and bad at the same time because some great things can happen when the right people meet to when the wrong people meet so use this carefully.
The last part of this film was probably one of the most disturbing and interesting parts of the film because it really gives the visual power that the mind in reality is really in control not the “I” voice that is in your head. I think this has to do with the ability that we think we are in control in reality we are not we are insalved into the mind. For examples sometimes I think about how I can’t really shut off my brain it keeps trying to do things, all the time think about it when was the last time you sat down stood up layed down and shut off all the voices inside your head? If you don’t meditate it’s probably close to none the reason for this is because the brain is always trying to figure out things and as soon as it does not have anything to figure out it starts to freak out! For example it starts asking really ridiculous question. For example am i awake? can i feel pain? what time is it? am i hungry? etc the list goes on and on….
I always had a passion for the field of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) and I knew I wanted to do something to make a difference in the world. I just didn’t know where to start. I was an immigrant in a new country, grew up in a tough environment, and wasn’t sure how… Read More